Mammalia - Rodentia - Dipodidae
Parent taxon: Dipodidae according to B.-Y. Wang 2003
See also McKenna and Bell 1997 and Wang and Qiu 2004
Sister taxa: Allactaga, Allosminthus, Bohlinosminthus, Brachyscirtetes, Dipus, Heosminthus, Jaculus, Litodonomys, Lophocricetinae, Lophocricetus, Onjosminthus, Paralactaga, Proalactaga, Protalactaga, Pygeretmus, Salpingotus, Sinosminthus, Sinozapus, Sminthoides, Stylodipus
Subtaxa: Parasminthus asiaecentralis Parasminthus debruijni Parasminthus tangingoli
Ecology: ground dwelling herbivore-insectivore
• Quaternary of Greece (1 collection)
• Miocene of China (1)
• Oligocene of China (17), the Czech Republic (1), Kazakhstan (2), Mongolia (10)
Total: 32 collections including 55 occurrences
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