Coccolithophyceae - Syracosphaerales - Rhabdosphaeraceae
Full reference: E. Haeckel. 1894. Systematische Phylogenie der Protisten und Pflanzen. Entwurf eines Natürlichen Systems der Organismen auf Grund ihrer Stammesgeschichte. Theil1, Systematische Phylogenie der Protisten und Pflanzen
Parent taxon: Syracosphaerales according to P. C. Silva 1980
Sister taxa: Calciosoleniaceae, Syracosphaeraceae, Umbellosphaeraceae
Subtaxa: Acanthoica Algirosphaera Blackites Discosphaera Pseudotriquetrorhabdulus Rhabdosphaera
Ecology: passively mobile planktonic "photoautotroph"
• Quaternary of Italy (2 collections)
• Pliocene of Italy (1)
• Miocene of Azerbaijan (1)
• Eocene of Jordan (1), Ukraine (4), the United Kingdom (1), United States (4: California, Georgia)
Total: 14 collections including 41 occurrences