Family Limulidae Leach 1819 (horseshoe crab)

Xiphosura - Xiphosurida - Limulidae

Synonyms: Heterolimulidae Vía Boada and Villalta 1966, Mesolimulidae Størmer 1952, Xiphosuridae Pocock 1902

Parent taxon: Limuloidea according to R. D. C. Bicknell et al. 2021

See also Bergström 1975, Dunlop et al. 2012, Dunlop et al. 2020, Gall 1971, Lamsdell 2016, Lamsdell 2020, Romero and Vía 1977 and Størmer 1955

Sister taxa: none

Subtaxa: Albalimulus Allolimulus Casterolimulus Guangyuanolimulus Heterolimulus Keuperlimulus Limulinae Limulitella Limulus priscus Mesolimulus Sloveniolimulus Tachypleinae Tarracolimulus Victalimulus Volanalimulus Yunnanolimulus

View classification

Type: Limulus

Ecology: nektobenthic carnivore


• Eocene of Germany (1 collection)

• Cretaceous of Australia (1), Lebanon (3), Morocco (1), United States (3: Colorado, North Dakota, Texas)

• Jurassic of Germany (8), Mongolia (1), Poland (1), the Russian Federation (1), the United Kingdom (1), United States (1: Utah)

• Triassic of China (2), France (8), Germany (3), the Netherlands (1), the Russian Federation (1), Slovenia (1), Spain (1), Tunisia (2), United States (2: Nevada, Utah)

• Carboniferous of the United Kingdom (1)

Total: 44 collections including 51 occurrences

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