Tipuloidea cuyana Lara and Bashkuev 2020 (true bug)

Insecta - Hemiptera - Scytinopteridae

scientific name: Tipuloidea cuyana Lara; scientific name authorship: Lara

Full reference: M.B. Lara and A. Bashkuev. 2020. New Triassic Hemiptera and Mecoptera from south-western Gondwana (Potrerillos Formation, Mendoza Province,Argentina). Palaeontographica Abteilung A 317(1-6):139 -163

Belongs to Tipuloidea according to M.B. Lara and A. Bashkuev 2020

Sister taxon: Tipuloidea rhaetica

Type specimen: IANIGLA-PI 1077, a forewing (distal half of forewing). Its type locality is Quebrada del Durazno, Cerro Cacheuta (IANIGLA collection), which is in a Carnian lacustrine delta plain shale in the Potrerillos Formation of Argentina.


Distribution: found only at Quebrada del Durazno, Cerro Cacheuta (IANIGLA collection)

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