†family Titanolepadidae Gale 2015 (barnacle)

Thecostraca - Calanticomorpha - Titanolepadidae

Full reference: A. S. Gale. 2015. Taxonomic names, in Taxonomy and palaeoecology of thoracican cirripedes (Crustacea) from a Campanian rocky shoreline at Ivö Klack, southern Sweden. Cretaceous Research 54:212-242

Parent taxon: Calanticomorpha according to B. K. K. Chan et al. 2021

See also Gale 2015

Sister taxa: Calanticidae, Cretiscalpellidae, Pachyscalpellum

Subtaxa: Ivoelepas Levelepas Titanolepas

View classification

Type: Titanolepas

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder


• Cretaceous of Sweden (1 collection), the United Kingdom (2), United States (2: Texas)

Total: 5 collections including 8 occurrences

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