Mammalia - Artiodactyla - Raoellidae
Synonyms: Kunmunella Sahni and Khare 1971, Metkatius Kumar and Sahni 1985, Raoella Sahni and Khare 1971
Full reference: A. Ranga Rao. 1971. New mammals from Murree (Kalakot Zone) of the Himalayan foot hills near Kalakot, Jammu & Kasmir State, India. Journal of the Geological Society of India 12(2):125-134
Parent taxon: Raoellidae according to M. J. Orliac and S. Ducrocq 2012
See also Bouaziz et al. 2025, Carroll 1988, Coombs and Coombs 1977, Kumar and Sahni 1985, McKenna and Bell 1997, Ranga Rao 1971, Sahni et al. 1981, Sahni and Khare 1971, Spaulding et al. 2009, Theodor et al. 2007, Thewissen et al. 2007, Thewissen et al. 1987, Thewissen et al. 2020, Thewissen et al. 2001 and Thewissen et al. 2001
Sister taxa: Khirtharia, Rajouria
Subtaxa: Indohyus indirae Indohyus major
Ecology: ground dwelling herbivore-omnivore
• Eocene of China (2 collections), India (5), Pakistan (3)
Total: 10 collections including 16 occurrences
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