Ivolepas worthensis Gale 2020 (barnacle)

Thecostraca - Calanticomorpha - Titanolepadidae

Full reference: A. S. Gale. 2020. Cirripedes (Thoracica, Crustacea) from the Cretaceous (Albian and Cenomanian) of Texas and Oklahoma, USA. Cretaceous Research 115(104556)

Belongs to Ivolepas according to A. S. Gale 2020

Sister taxa: Ivoelepas ambigua, Ivoelepas broggi, Ivoelepas ischnia, Ivoelepas nielseni, Ivoelepas rectibasis, Ivoelepas withersi

Type specimen: NHMUK IC 1627, an other (scutum)

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder


• Cretaceous of United States (2: Texas collections)

Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence

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