Carbonodraco lundi Mann et al. 2019 (parareptile)

Reptilia - Procolophonomorpha - Acleistorhinidae

Full reference: A. Mann, E. J. McDaniel, E. R. McColville and H. C. Maddin. 2019. Carbonodraco lundi gen et sp. nov., the oldest parareptile, from Linton, Ohio, and new insights into the early radiation of reptiles. Royal Society Open Science 6(11)

Belongs to Carbonodraco according to A. Mann et al. 2019

Sister taxa: none

Type specimen: CM 23055, a skull (a disarticulated skull that includes maxillae, left premaxilla, right lacrimal, left prefrontal, left parietal, left frontal, dentaries and, splenials, left sur). Its type locality is Linton, which is in a Westphalian D mire/swamp coal in Ohio.


Distribution: found only at Linton

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