Insecta - Strepsiptera - Myrmecolacidae
Full reference: M. Kogan and G. O. Poinar. 2019. Fossil Strepsiptera (Insecta) of the Poinar Amber Collection with description of one new genus and 12 new neotropical species in the families Protelencholacidae, Elenchidae, and Myrmecolacidae. Historical Biology 32:1215-1276
Belongs to Caenocholax according to M. Kogan and G. O. Poinar 2019
Sister taxa: Caenocholax barkleyi, Caenocholax brodzinskyi, Caenocholax debachi, Caenocholax dominicensis, Caenocholax flandersi, Caenocholax groehni, Caenocholax mcmurtryi, Caenocholax palusaxus
Type specimen: Poinar C-St-1-2, an exoskeleton. Its type locality is Dominican amber, Cotui (Poinar coll), which is in a Holocene terrestrial amber in the Dominican Republic.
Distribution: found only at Dominican amber, Cotui (Poinar coll)
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