Prosybris medius Mourer-Chauviré 1987 (true owl)

Aves - Strigiformes - Strigidae

Alternative combination: Necrobyas medius

Full reference: C. Mourer-Chauviré. 1987. The owls (Aves: Strigiformes) of Phosphorites du Quercy (France): Systematics, biostratigraphy, and paleobiogeography. Documents des laboratories des géologie, Lyon 99:89-135

Belongs to Prosybris according to J. Mlikovsky 2002

See also Mourer-Chauviré 1987

Sister taxon: Prosybris antiqua

Ecology: volant carnivore-insectivore

Distribution: found only at Phosphorites du Quercy (for taxa with non-specific locality data) (Eocene to Miocene of France)

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