Mammalia - Proboscidea - Elephantidae
Alternative spelling: Elephas (Stegodon)
Parent taxon: Elephantidae according to J. E. Kalb and D. J. Frohelich 1995
See also Abel 1919, Carroll 1988, Lydekker 1880, McKenna and Bell 1997, Sanders 1999, Shoshani and Tassy 1996 and Shoshani and Tassy 2005
Sister taxa: Elephantinae, Emmenodon, Selenetherium, Stegodibelodon, Stegodontinae, Stegotetrabelodon, Stegotetrabelodontinae, Suina
Subtaxa: Stegodon bombifrons Stegodon florensis Stegodon ganesa Stegodon insignis Stegodon kaisensis Stegodon luzonensis Stegodon mindanensis Stegodon sompoensis Stegodon sondaari Stegodon sumbaensis Stegodon syrticus Stegodon trigonocephalus Stegodon yuanmouensis
Ecology: ground dwelling grazer-browser
• Quaternary of China (21 collections), the Congo-Kinshasa (1), India (6), Indonesia (15), Israel (2), Japan (2), Laos (1), the Philippines (2), Syria (1), Taiwan (1), Thailand (1), Vietnam (2)
• Pliocene to Pleistocene of the Congo-Kinshasa (2), India (2), Indonesia (2), Myanmar (3), Nepal (1)
• Pliocene of Chad (1), China (2), India (4), Indonesia (11), Japan (3), Pakistan (1), Uganda (4)
• Baodean of China (1)
• Miocene to Pliocene of Chad (1), Ethiopia (2), South Africa (1), Uganda (5)
• Miocene of China (2), India (1), Kenya (1), Thailand (2)
• Neogene of Greece (1), Myanmar (1), Taiwan (3)
Total: 112 collections including 127 occurrences
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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