Lichenaria sisyphi Pestana 1960 (tabulate coral)

Anthozoa - Lichenariida - Lichenariidae

Full reference: H. R. Pestana. 1960. Fossils from the Johnson Spring Formation, Middle Ordovician, Independence Quadrangle, California. Journal of Paleontology 34(5):862-873

Belongs to Lichenaria according to H. R. Pestana 1960

Sister taxa: Lichenaria goodrichi, Lichenaria typa

Type specimen: UCMP 37708. Its type locality is UCMP loc. B963, First South Section, Mazourka Canyon, which is in a Caradoc marine limestone in the Johnson Spring Formation of California.

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder-photosymbiotic

Distribution: found only at UCMP loc. B963, First South Section, Mazourka Canyon

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