Lestodon Gervais 1855 (edentate)

Mammalia - Mylodontidae

Parent taxon: Mylodontinae according to L. Varela et al. 2019

See also Ameghino 1885, Ameghino 1902, Boscaini et al. 2019, Carroll 1988, Cope 1889, Gaudin 1995, Paula Couto 1956 and Zurita et al. 2004

Sister taxa: Archaeomylodon, Bolivartherium, Glossotherium, Lestobradys, Megabradys, Morotherium, Mylodonopsis, Mylodontini, Oreomylodon, Paramylodon, Pleurolestodon, Prolestodon, Promylodon, Ranculcus, Simomylodon, Stenodon, Strabosodon, Thinobadistes

Subtaxa: Lestodon antiquus Lestodon armatus Lestodon garrachicii Lestodon myloides Lestodon urumaquensis

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Ecology: ground dwelling herbivore


• Quaternary of Argentina (19 collections), Bolivia (4), Brazil (12), Paraguay (2), Uruguay (7)

• Pliocene of Argentina (4)

• Miocene of Venezuela (1)

Total: 49 collections including 51 occurrences

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