Lestodon armatus Gervais 1855 (edentate)

Mammalia - Mylodontidae

Alternative combination: Mylodon armatus

Belongs to Lestodon according to A. E. Zurita et al. 2004

See also Ameghino 1902, Deschamps 2005, Lydekker 1894, Paula Couto 1956 and Soibelzon et al. 2010

Sister taxa: Lestodon antiquus, Lestodon garrachicii, Lestodon myloides, Lestodon urumaquensis

Ecology: ground dwelling herbivore

Average measurements (in mm): femur diameter 70.0, humerus diameter 79.0, radius diameter 82.5, tibia diameter 90.0

Estimated body mass: 1.72 tons based on femur diameter, humerus diameter, and tibia diameter


• Quaternary of Argentina (12 collections), Bolivia (4), Brazil (9), Paraguay (1), Uruguay (6)

Total: 32 collections each including a single occurrence

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