Full reference: C.C. Loron , R.H. Rainbird, E.C. Turner, J.W. Greenman, and E.J. Javaux. 2019. Organic-walled microfossils from the late Mesoproterozoic to early Neoproterozoic lower Shaler Supergroup (Arctic Canada): Diversity and biostratigraphic significance. Precambrian Research 321:349-374
Parent taxon: Eukarya according to C.C. Loron et al. 2019
Sister taxa: Archeoxybaphon, Characodictyon, Circidentatus, Circitorquis, Cycliocyrillium, Daedalosphaera, Galerosphaera, Gyalosphaera, Hexacatillus, Melanocyrillium, Nunatsiaquus, Ospercapatera, Palaeastrum, Palaeoarcella, Paleohexadictyon, Paleomegasquama, Paleoscutula, Petasisquama, Protoctista, Quadrireticulum, Squamosphaera, Thorakidictyon
Subtaxa: Herisphaera arbovela Herisphaera triangula
Type: Herisphaera arbovela
Distribution: found only at Nelson Head Formation ( of Nunavut)
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