Cardiaster granulosus Goldfuss 1826 (sea urchin)

Echinoidea - Holasteroida - Holasteridae

Alternative combination: Spatangus granulosus

Belongs to Cardiaster according to J. Böhm 1891

See also Ernst 1966

Sister taxa: Cardiaster batnensis, Cardiaster bolschechetensis, Cardiaster cubensis, Cardiaster curtus, Cardiaster deciper, Cardiaster jugatus, Cardiaster leonensis, Cardiaster marylandicus, Cardiaster palmeri, Cardiaster patagonicus, Cardiaster smocki

Ecology: semi-infaunal detritivore


• Cretaceous to Paleogene of the Netherlands (2 collections)

• Cretaceous of Belgium (6), Germany (2), the Netherlands (2)

Total: 12 collections each including a single occurrence

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