Strophomenata - Strophomenida - Sowerbyellidae
Full reference: L. E. Popov, M. R. Kebriaee-Zadeh, and M. Ghobadi Pour. 2016. Emergence of the Saucrorthis Fauna in the Middle Ordovician of northern Iran. Australasian Palaeontological Memoirs 49:485-514
Belongs to Anisopleurella according to L. E. Popov et al. 2016
Sister taxa: Anisopleurella anceps, Anisopleurella asiatica, Anisopleurella balclatchiensis, Anisopleurella tricostata, Anisopleurella tricostellata, Anisopleurella yichangensis
Type specimen: NMW 2014.26G.76. Its type locality is DM-A/11. unnamed valley about 1 km northeast of the Qalyankesh Mountain, which is in a Darriwilian marine sandstone/ironstone in the Lashkarak Formation of Iran.
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder
Distribution: found only at DM-A/11. unnamed valley about 1 km northeast of the Qalyankesh Mountain
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