†family Placenticeratidae Hyatt 1900 (ammonite)

Cephalopoda - Ammonitida - Placenticeratidae

Synonym: Hypengonoceratidae Chiplonkar and Ghare 1976

Full reference: A. Hyatt. 1900. Cephalopoda. Textbook of Palaeontology 1:502-604

Parent taxon: Hoplitoidea according to W. J. Kennedy 2018

See also Cobban and Kennedy 1992, Förster 1975, Howarth 1985, Kennedy 1984, Kennedy 1995, Kennedy and Cobban 1991, Kennedy and Cobban 1993, Kennedy et al. 1997, Kennedy and Gale 2016, Kennedy et al. 1992, Kennedy et al. 2008, Kennedy and Summesberger 1999, Klinger and Kennedy 1989, Matsumoto 1984, Mosavinia et al. 2014, Shigeta 2016, Summesberger 1979, Szives 2007, Wiedmann 1978 and Wright 1952

Sister taxa: Engonoceratidae, Forbesiceridae, Hoplitidae, Schloenbachiidae

Subtaxa: Baghiceratinae Gissarites Hengestites Hoplitoplacenticeras Karamaites Metaplacenticeras Placenticeras Proplacenticeras Rapidoplacenticeratinae Stantonoceras

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Ecology: fast-moving nektonic carnivore


• Cretaceous of Angola (5 collections), Antarctica (3), Argentina (2), Austria (7), Canada (10: Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan), Chile (2), France (48), Germany (16), India (4), Iran (2), Israel (1), Japan (11), Kazakhstan (2), Madagascar (1), Mexico (6), the Netherlands (3), Papua New Guinea (2), Poland (2), Portugal (1), South Africa (19), Spain (3), Tajikistan (5), Turkmenistan (2), USSR (3), United States (159: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Delaware, Georgia, Kansas, Maryland, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Washington, Wyoming), Uzbekistan (2)

Total: 321 collections including 382 occurrences

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