†order Bisonocerida Evans and King 2012 (mollusk)

Cephalopoda - Bisonocerida

Alternative spelling: Bisonoceratida

Full reference: D. H. Evans and A. H. King. 2012. Resolving polyphyly within the Endocerida: The Bisonocerida nov., a new order of early palaeozoic nautiloids. Geobios 45(1):19-28

Parent taxon: Endoceratoidea according to A. Pohle et al. 2022

See also Evans and King 2012 and King and Evans 2019

Sister taxa: Colpoceras, Conoceras, Diploceras, Endocerida, Hemiceratites, Intejocerida, Pradoceras, Sidemina

Subtaxa: Allotrioceratidae Bisonoceratidae Chihlioceratidae Coreanoceratidae Emmonsoceratidae Humeoceratidae Manchuroceratidae Padunoceratidae Piloceratidae Proterovaginoceratidae Sinoendoceratidae

View classification

Ecology: fast-moving nektonic carnivore


• Silurian of Canada (1: Ontario collection)

• Aluoja of Estonia (1)

• Chazyan of United States (5: New York, Vermont)

• Whiterockian of Thailand (1), United States (1: California)

• Langevoja of Sweden (2)

• Hunderum of Sweden (1)

• Dawan of China (1)

• Arenig of Argentina (1), China (26), South Korea (4)

• Ordovician of Australia (1), Canada (12: Newfoundland, Newfoundland and Labrador, Quebec), China (7), Estonia (1), Iran (1), Lithuania (2), Malaysia (2), Norway (4), the Russian Federation (3), Svalbard and Jan Mayen (2), Sweden (1), the United Kingdom (16), United States (24: Arkansas, California, Colorado, New York, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia)

• Canadian of Canada (1: Quebec), United States (1: Maryland)

• Tremadoc of China (3)

• Ibexian of Thailand (1)

Total: 126 collections including 171 occurrences

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