Douglassciurus jeffersoni Douglass 1902 (squirrel)

Mammalia - Rodentia - Sciuridae

Alternative combinations: Cedromus jeffersoni, Douglassia jeffersoni, Prosciurus jeffersoni, Protosciurus jeffersoni, Sciurus jeffersoni

Full reference: E. Douglass. 1902. Fossil Mammalia of the White River beds of Montana. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society 20:237-279

Belongs to Douglassciurus according to R. J. Emry and W. W. Korth 2001

See also Black 1965, Douglass 1902, Emry and Korth 1996, Emry and Thorington 1982, Matthew 1909, Tabrum and Nichols 2001, Wood 1937, Wood 1962 and Wood 1980

Sister taxa: Douglassciurus bjorki, Douglassciurus oaxacaensis

Type specimen: Its type locality is Pipestone Springs, which is in a Chadronian terrestrial claystone in the Renova Formation of Montana

Ecology: scansorial granivore-frugivore


• Eocene of Canada (2: Saskatchewan collections), United States (8: Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Wyoming)

Total: 10 collections each including a single occurrence

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