Mammalia - Dinocerata - Uintatheriidae
Alternative combination: Loxolophodon cornutus
Synonyms: Eobasileus uintensis Osborn 1929, Uintacolotherium blayneyi Cook 1926
Full reference: E. D. Cope. 1872. Notices of New Vertebrata from the Upper Waters of Bitter Creek, Wyoming Territory. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 12(86):483-486
Belongs to Eobasileus according to S. G. Lucas and R. M. Schoch 1998
See also Cope 1872, Cope 1872, Cope 1873, Hay 1902, Osborn 1929, Osborn 1930, West and Dawson 1975 and Wheeler 1961
Sister taxa: Eobasileus furcatus, Eobasileus galeatus, Eobasileus pressicornis
Ecology: ground dwelling herbivore
• Eocene of United States (5: Colorado, Utah, Wyoming collections)
Total: 5 collections each including a single occurrence
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