†class Rhombifera Zittel 1879


Parent taxon: Blastozoa according to S. Zamora et al. 2017

Sister taxa: Asteroblastida, Blastoidea, Crinoidea, Diploporita, Eocrinoidea, Glyptosphaeritida, Lepidocystoidea, Parablastoidea, Paracrinoidea, Rhombifera, Soluta, Sphaeronitida

Subtaxa: none

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder


• Niagaran of United States (2: Indiana, Ohio collections)

• Silurian of Canada (8: Ontario, Québec), United States (50: Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Missouri, New York, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Wisconsin)

• Dobrotivian of Spain (1)

• Dawan of China (2)

• Arenig of China (3)

• Ordovician of Algeria (1), Belgium (1), the Czech Republic (3), Estonia (19), Italy (1), Norway (7), Portugal (2), Spain (4), Sweden (4), Thailand (1), the United Kingdom (7)

Total: 116 collections including 139 occurrences

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