†family Cornaceae Dumortier 1825
Angiospermae - Cornales - Cornaceae
Parent taxon: Cornales according to The Angiosperm Phylogeny Group 2016
See also Chandler 1961, Chandler 1962, Chandler 1963, Chandler 1964, Hickey 1977, Knowlton 1919, Mabberley 2000, MacGinitie 1941, McIver and Basinger 1993 and Taylor et al. 2008
Sister taxa: Alangiaceae, Curtisiaceae, Grubbiaceae, Hydrangeaceae, Hydrostachyaceae, Loasaceae, Nyssaceae
Subtaxa: Alangiophyllum Cornaceophyllum Cornoideae Cornophyllum Cornus Dendrobenthamia Diplomastixia Dunstania Eomastixia Ganitrocera Hartzia Lanfrancia Langtonia Mastixicarpum Mastixioideae Mastixioidiocarpum Muzquizoxylon Nyssidium Platymastixia Plexiplica Portnallia Retinomastixia Tectocarya Xylomastixia
Ecology: "photoautotroph"