Family Stylasteridae Gray 1847 (lace coral)

Hydrozoa - Stylasterina - Stylasteridae

Parent taxon: Stylasterina according to F. M. Bayer et al. 1956

Sister taxa: Calyptopora, Crypthelia, Distichopora, Inferiolabiata, Lepidopora, Stenohelia, Stylaster

Subtaxa: Distichoporinae Errininae Stylasterinae

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Type: Stylasterinae

Ecology: stationary epifaunal carnivore-suspension feeder


• Mangapanian of New Zealand (2 collections)

• Pliocene of New Zealand (2)

• Miocene of New Zealand (2), Spain (1)

• Oligocene of New Zealand (1)

• Eocene of Antarctica (1), New Zealand (1), Tonga (1)

• Paleocene of Denmark (1), France (1)

• Cretaceous of Australia (1)

Total: 14 collections including 17 occurrences

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