†family Metacyathidae Bedford and Bedford 1934 (archaeocyath sponge)

Archaeocyatha - Archaeocyathida - Metacyathidae

Parent taxon: Metacyathoidea according to F. Debrenne et al. 2015

Sister taxa: Copleicyathidae, Jugalicyathidae, Sigmofungiidae

Subtaxa: Changicyathus Metaldetes

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Type: Metaldetes

Ecology: stationary intermediate-level epifaunal suspension feeder


• Cambrian of Antarctica (2 collections), Australia (4), Canada (9: British Columbia, Newfoundland and Labrador, Northwest Territories), China (1), Mexico (3), United States (2: Nevada)

Total: 21 collections including 26 occurrences

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