Panthera leo spelaea Goldfuss 1810 (lion)

Mammalia - Carnivora - Felidae

Alternative combinations: Felis leo spelaea, Felis spelaea, Panthera spelaea, Uncia spelea

Belongs to Panthera leo according to R. Barnett et al. 2009

See also Boule and De Villeneuve 1927, Cope 1880, Kurten 1968 and Sotnikova and Nikolskiy 2006

Sister taxon: Panthera leo atrox

Ecology: scansorial carnivore


• Quaternary of Canada (1: Alberta collection), France (1), Germany (1), Greece (1), Kazakhstan (1), the Netherlands (2), the Russian Federation (7), Spain (1)

Total: 15 collections each including a single occurrence

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