Hypisodus ironsi Cook 1934 (ruminant)

Mammalia - Artiodactyla - Hypisodontidae

Full reference: H. J. Cook. 1934. New artiodactyls from the Oligocene and Lower Miocene of Nebraska. American Midland Naturalist 15(2):148-165

Belongs to Hypisodus according to H. J. Cook 1934

Sister taxa: Hypisodus alacer, Hypisodus minimus, Hypisodus paululus, Hypisodus retallacki, Hypisodus ringens

Type specimen: No. HC505, a mandible (right lower jaw with P2 to M3). Its type locality is Mitchell Pass, which is in a Whitneyan terrestrial horizon in the Brule Formation of Nebraska.

Ecology: ground dwelling grazer-browser

Distribution: found only at Mitchell Pass

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