Reptilia - Crocodylia - Gavialidae
Alternative combination: Tomistoma taiwanicus
Full reference: T. Shikama. 1972. Fossil Crocodilia from Tsochin, south-western Taiwan. Science Reports of the Yokahama National University, Section II, Biological and Geological Sciences 19:125-131
Belongs to Toyotamaphimeia according to Y.-Y. Cho and C.-H. Tsai 2023
See also Shikama 1972
Sister taxa: Toyotamaphimeia machikanense, Toyotamaphimeia machikanensis
Type specimen: NSMT-P-9121-9126, a partial skull. Its type locality is Tso-chen, which is in a Pleistocene marine horizon in Taiwan.
Ecology: carnivore
• Quaternary of Taiwan (2 collections)
Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence
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