†family Dakorhachiidae Conway Morris et al. 2020
Full reference: S. Conway Morris, R.D.A. Smith, J.F. Hoyal Cuthill, E. Bonino, and R. Lerosey-Aubril. 2020. A possible Cambrian stem-group gnathiferan-chaetognath from the Weeks Formation (Miaolingian) of Utah. Journal of Paleontology 94(4):624-636
Parent taxon: Gnathifera according to S. Conway Morris et al. 2020
Sister taxa: Gnathostomulida, Micrognathozoa, Rotifera
Subtaxa: Dakorhachis
Type: Dakorhachis
• Cambrian of United States (2: Utah collections)
Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence