Leptomeryx semicinctus Cope 1889 (ruminant)

Mammalia - Artiodactyla - Leptomerycidae

Alternative combination: Pseudoprotoceras semicinctus

Synonyms: Heteromeryx transversus Cope 1889, Hypertragulus transversus Cope 1889

Full reference: E. D. Cope. 1889. The Vertebrata of the Swift Current River, II. The American Naturalist 23(267):151-155

Belongs to Leptomeryx according to W. B. Scott 1940

See also Cope 1889, Cope 1891, Emry and Storer 1981, Hay 1902, Lambe 1908, Prothero 1998, Vislobokova 2001 and Wilson 1974

Sister taxa: Leptomeryx antecedens, Leptomeryx blacki, Leptomeryx esulcatus, Leptomeryx evansi, Leptomeryx exilis, Leptomeryx mammifer, Leptomeryx obliquidens, Leptomeryx significans, Leptomeryx speciosus, Leptomeryx yoderi

Ecology: ground dwelling frugivore


• Eocene of Canada (3: Saskatchewan collections), United States (1: Wyoming)

Total: 4 collections including 5 occurrences

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