Full reference: N. S. Pledge. 1992. The Curramulka local fauna: a new Late Tertiary fossil assemblage from Yorke Peninsula, South Australia. The Beagles Records of the Northern Territory Museum of Arts and Sciences 9(1):115-142
Belongs to Simosthenurus according to N. S. Pledge 1992
Sister taxa: Simosthenurus antiquus, Simosthenurus baileyi, Simosthenurus brachyselenis, Simosthenurus euryskaphus, Simosthenurus maddocki, Simosthenurus occidentalis, Simosthenurus pales, Simosthenurus tirarensis
Type specimen: SAM P31800, a mandible. Its type locality is Curramulka Quarry, which is in a Pleistocene fissure fill horizon in Australia.
Ecology: scansorial omnivore
Distribution: found only at Curramulka Quarry
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