Curramulka Quarry (Pleistocene of Australia)

Where: South Australia, Australia (34.7° S, 137.7° E: paleocoordinates 35.4° S, 137.5° E)

• coordinate based on nearby landmark

• outcrop-level geographic resolution

When: Pleistocene (2.6 - 0.0 Ma)

Environment/lithology: fissure fill; lithology not reported

• fissure fill(s) in Lower Cambrian limestones (Parara Limestone)

Size class: macrofossils

Collection methods: South Australia Museum (SAM)

Primary reference: G. J. Prideaux. 2004. Systematics and evolution of the sthenurine kangaroos. In S. W. Awramik, A. Barnosky, J. A. Doyle, M. L. Droser, P. M. Sadler (eds.), UC Publications in Geological Sciences, University of California Press 146:1-623 [G. Prideaux/G. Gully/T. Liebrecht]more details

Purpose of describing collection: taxonomic analysis

PaleoDB collection 135983: authorized by John Alroy, entered by Albert Garcia Selles on 13.11.2012, edited by Torsten Liebrecht, Graeme Lloyd and Evangelos Vlachos

Creative Commons license: CC BY (attribution)

Taxonomic list

• The Wonambi specimen was “collected by J.A. McNamara 5/5/97” from “fissure fill RF95” (Scanlon, 2005).
 Salientia - Myobatrachidae
Neobatrachus pictus1 Australian froglet
SAM P27928, a right ilium, to this living species
 Dromornithiformes - Dromornithidae
cf. Ilbandornis sp.1 Rich 1979 bird
 Galliformes - Megapodiidae
Garrdimalga mcnamarai n. gen. n. sp.3
Garrdimalga mcnamarai n. gen. n. sp.3 Shute et al. 2017 megapode
SAM P42711, SAM P42709, SAM P42712 (R radius); SAM P42713 (dR radius); SAM P42714 (pR radius); SAM P42715 (2 dL ulna); SAM P42716 (3 dR ulna); SAM P42717 (2 L, 1R coracoid, omal fragments); SAM P42718 (R MII.1); SAM P42719 (1dL, 4dR tarsometatarsi); SAM P42720 (R, L fibulae); SAM P42721 (premaxilla); SAM P42722 (3 metatarsi); SAM P42723 (2R os carpi ulnare); SAM P42724 (pedal phalanges, 2 L, 2R IV.1; 3 L, 4R II.1; 1 I.1; 1R III.1; 4 other phalanges, 17 unguals undetermined to digit)
 Squamata - Elapidae
Elapidae indet.1 Boié 1827 snake
 Squamata - Madtsoiidae
Wonambi naracoortensis2 Smith 1976 snake
SAM P40158: “anterior portion of right maxilla and numerous badly worn vertebral fragments”
 Squamata - Varanidae
Varanus sp.1 Merrem 1820 monitor lizard
 Squamata - Scincidae
Tiliqua cf. scincoides1 White 1790 Eastern bluetongue skink
 Testudinata - Meiolaniidae
? Meiolania sp.1 Owen 1886 turtle
 Testudines - Chelidae
Chelidae indet.1 Gray 1825 sideneck turtle
This family is represented by two fragments of plastron which are insufficient for further iden¬ tification
 Diprotodontia - Potoroidae
Potorous sp.1 Desmarest 1804 potoroo
 Diprotodontia - Pseudocheiridae
Corracheirus curramulkensis n. gen. n. sp.1 Pledge 1992 ringtail possum
 Diprotodontia - Macropodidae
"Procoptodon goliah" = Macropus goliah, "Sthenurus atlas" = Macropus atlas, Protemnodon sp.1, cf. Baringa sp.1, cf. Baringa nelsonensis1
"Procoptodon goliah" = Macropus goliah Owen 1874 kangaroo
"Sthenurus atlas" = Macropus atlas Owen 1838 kangaroo
Protemnodon sp.1 Owen 1874 kangaroo
cf. Baringa sp.1 Flannery and Hann 1984 kangaroo
cf. Baringa nelsonensis1 Flannery and Hann 1984 kangaroo
 Diprotodontia - Thylacoleonidae
Thylacoleo cf. hilli1 Pledge 1977 diprotodont marsupial
 Diprotodontia - Phascolarctidae
Phascolarctos cf. cinereus1 Goldfuss 1817 koala
 Diprotodontia - Palorchestidae
Palorchestes cf. painei1 Woodburne 1967 diprotodont marsupial
 Diprotodontia - Vombatidae
Vombatidae indet.1 Burnett 1829 wombat
Vombatus sp.1 Saint-Hillaire 1803 common wombat
 Diprotodontia - Diprotodontidae
Diprotodontidae indet.1 Gill 1872 diprotodont marsupial
 Diprotodontia -
Procoptodon rapha Owen 1874 short-faced kangaroo
Sthenurus stirlingi Wells and Tedford 1995 short-faced kangaroo
Sthenurus andersoni Marcus 1962 short-faced kangaroo
Metasthenurus newtonae Prideaux 2000 short-faced kangaroo
Simosthenurus baileyi Prideaux and Wells 1998 short-faced kangaroo
Simosthenurus occidentalis Glauert 1910 short-faced kangaroo
Simosthenurus cegsai n. sp.1 Pledge 1992 short-faced kangaroo
Simosthenurus maddocki Wells and Murray 1979 short-faced kangaroo
Troposodon cf. bowensis1 Flannery and Archer 1983 short-faced kangaroo
 Dasyuromorphia - Dasyuridae
cf. Glaucodon sp.1 Stirton 1957 marsupial
 Dasyuromorphia - Thylacinidae
Thylacinus sp.1 Temminck 1824 Tasmanian wolf
Cundokoala yorkensis
Cundokoala yorkensis n. gen. n. sp.1
Cundokoala yorkensis n. gen. n. sp.1 Pledge 1992
Type material. HOLOTYPE: SAM P24904, a left dentary with M,, and alveolus for Pj; lacking anterior tip of jaw with incisor alveolus, and tip of ascending ramus and condyle. Col¬ lected by G. Pilkington, 9 March, 1985. Referred Specimen. SAM P24905, a partial left Mj(?) in alveolo