Mammalia - Proboscidea - Mammutidae
Alternative combination: Mammut (Pliomastodon) furlongi
Full reference: J. A. Shotwell and D. E. Russell. 1963. Mammalian fauna of the Upper Juntura formation, the Black Butte local fauna. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society 53(1):42-69
Belongs to Mammut according to W. von Koenigswald et al. 2023
See also Shotwell and Russell 1963
Sister taxa: Mammut americanum, Mammut borsoni, Mammut cosoensis, Mammut floridanum, Mammut matthewi, Mammut pacificus, Mastodon maderianus, Mastodon lydekkeri, Mastodon argentinus, Mastodon spenceri, Mastodon tarijensis, Mammut mirificum, Mastodon raki, Mastodon waringi, Mastodon (Tetralophodon), Mastodon rectus
Type specimen: Its type locality is Black Butte (UO 2343), which is in a Clarendonian terrestrial horizon in the Juntura Formation of Oregon
Ecology: ground dwelling browser
• Miocene of United States (2: Oregon collections)
Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence
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