Retentactinia aspera Won 1997 (radiolarian)

Protozoa - Entactinaria - Entactiniidae

Full reference: M.-Z. Won. 1997. The Proposed New Radiolarian Subfamily Retentactiniinae (Entactiniidae) from the Late Devonian (Frasnian) Gogo Formation, Australia. Micropaleontology 43(4):371-418

Belongs to Retentactinia according to M.-Z. Won 1997

Sister taxa: Retentactinia aspinosa, Retentactinia delicata, Retentactinia dellensus, Retentactinia impedita, Retentactinia interreticulata, Retentactinia kelleri, Retentactinia kycungensis, Retentactinia levis, Retentactinia longa, Retentactinia parvisphaera, Retentactinia repleta, Retentactinia spongiosa

Type specimen: G1807, a test. Its type locality is Pillara Range, SE of Menyous Gap, Canning Basin, which is in a Frasnian reef, buildup or bioherm shale/limestone in the Gogo Formation of Australia.

Ecology: passively mobile planktonic omnivore

Distribution: found only at Pillara Range, SE of Menyous Gap, Canning Basin

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