Miniochoerus affinis Leidy 1869 (oreodont)

Mammalia - Artiodactyla - Merycoidodontidae

From Schultz and Falkenbach (1956), "Thorpe, 1937, pp. 46 and 312, reported the number of the holotype as "A.N.S.P.10680," from "the Niobrara River, Sioux County, Nebraska." This number, however,representsa fragment of a camel."

Alternative combinations: Merycoidodon affinis, Miniochoerus (Paraminiochoerus) affinis, Oreodon affinis

Synonyms: Merycoidodon platycephalus Thorpe 1921, Miniochoerus battlecreekensis Schultz and Falkenbach 1956, Oreodon coloradoensis Matthew 1909, Platyochoerus platycephalus Thorpe 1921, Stenopsochoerus sternbergi Schultz and Falkenbach 1956

Belongs to Miniochoerus according to M. S. Stevens and J. B. Stevens 1996

See also Cope 1884, Hay 1902, Lander 1998, Leidy 1873, Matthew 1909, Schultz and Falkenbach 1956, Scott 1940, Stevens and Stevens 2007 and Thorpe 1937

Sister taxa: Miniochoerus (Paraminiochoerus), Miniochoerus chadronensis, Miniochoerus forsythae, Miniochoerus gracilis, Miniochoerus starkensis, Stenopsochoerus (Pseudostenopsochoerus)

Type specimens:

  • Miniochoerus affinis: ANSP 10679, a partial skull (Anterior portion of skull with C/-P3 rt. and P4-M3).
  • Merycoidodon platycephalus: YPM 12752, a partial skeleton (Skull with C/-P3 rt. and P4-M3 (M1-M3 br.), fragments of rami, partial radius, and vertebrae).
  • Miniochoerus battlecreekensis: F:AM 45001, a skull (Skull with I1-I2 br. and I3-M3 and mandible with i2-m3).
  • Oreodon coloradoensis:
  • Stenopsochoerus sternbergi: F:AM 4980, a skull (Skull with I1-M3 (I2-I3 alv.) and mandible with i1(rt.)-m3). Its type locality is Old Woman Creek, which is in an Orellan terrestrial horizon in Wyoming.

Ecology: ground dwelling herbivore


• Oligocene of United States (39: Nebraska, South Dakota, Wyoming collections)

• Eocene to Oligocene of United States (1: Wyoming)

Total: 40 collections including 47 occurrences

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