Mammalia - Artiodactyla - Merycoidodontidae
Synonym: Oreodontidae Leidy 1869
Full reference: H. J. Cook. 1912. Faunal Lists of the Tertiary Formations of Sioux County, Nebraska. Nebraska Geological Survey 7(5):33-45
Parent taxon: Camelidamorpha according to M. Spaulding et al. 2009
See also Cook 1912, Cope 1884, Cope 1889, Cope 1891, Ferrusquia-Villafranca 1969, Gregory 1910, Hay 1902, Jaekel 1911, Lander 1998, Lander and Lindsay 2011, Leidy 1869, Leidy 1873, McKenna and Bell 1997, Morgan et al. 2009, Parris and Grandstaff 2003, Schultz and Falkenbach 1940, Scott 1913, Scott 1940, Stevens et al. 1969, Stevens and Stevens 1996, Stevens and Stevens 2007 and Thorpe 1937
Sister taxa: Amphimerycidae, Anoplotherioidea, Cameloidea, Oreodontoidea, Oromerycidae, Xiphodontoidea, Camelidae, Caenotheriidae
Subtaxa: Aclistomycterinae Brachycrurinae Diplotremus Eporeodontinae Leptaucheniinae Merychyinae Merychyus pariogonus Merycochoerinae Merycoidodontinae Miniochoerinae Oreonetinae Phenacocoelinae Promerycochoerinae Ticholeptinae Ustatochoerinae
Ecology: ground dwelling herbivore