Ignacius dawsonae Miller et al. 2023 (primate)

Mammalia - Primates - Paromomyidae

Full reference: K. Miller, K. Tietjen, and K. C. Beard. 2023. Basal Primatomorpha colonized Ellesmere Island (Arctic Canada) during the hyperthermal conditions of the early Eocene climatic optimum. PLoS ONE 18(1):e0280114

Belongs to Ignacius according to K. Miller et al. 2023

Sister taxa: Ignacius clarkforkensis, Ignacius fremontensis, Ignacius frugivorus, Ignacius glenbowensis, Ignacius graybullianus, Ignacius mckennai

Type specimen: CMN 30837, a mandible (right dentary preserving p4-m1). Its type locality is 76-85, which is in a Wasatchian terrestrial horizon in the Margaret Formation of Canada.

Ecology: arboreal omnivore

Distribution: found only at 76-85

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