Mammalia - Primates - Paromomyidae
Full reference: J. I. Bloch, M. T. Silcox, D. M. Boyer and E. J. Sargis. 2007. New Paleocene skeletons and the relationship of plesiadapiformes to crown-clade primates. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 104(4):1159-1164
Belongs to Ignacius according to J. I. Bloch et al. 2007
Sister taxa: Ignacius dawsonae, Ignacius fremontensis, Ignacius frugivorus, Ignacius glenbowensis, Ignacius graybullianus, Ignacius mckennai
Type specimen: UM 108210, a partial skeleton (upper and lower dentitions and a partial skeleton). Its type locality is SC-62, which is in a Clarkforkian terrestrial horizon in the Willwood Formation of Wyoming.
Ecology: arboreal omnivore
• Clarkforkian of United States (2: Wyoming collections)
Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence
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