†family Siphusauctidae O’Brien and Caron 2012

Bilateria - Siphusauctidae

Full reference: L. J. O’Brien and J. B. Caron. 2012. A new stalked filter-feeder from the Middle Cambrian Burgess Shale, British Columbia, Canada. PLoS ONE 7(1):e29233-1-e29233-21

Parent taxon: Bilateria according to L. J. O’Brien and J. B. Caron 2012

Sister taxa: Acoelomorpha, Dickinsoniomorpha, Eubilateria, Ikaria, Rhombocorniculum

Subtaxa: Siphusauctum

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• Delamaran of Canada (1: British Columbia collection)

• Cambrian of United States (1: Utah)

Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence

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