Palaeogale sectoria Gervais 1848 (carnivoran)

Mammalia - Carnivora - Palaeogalidae

Alternative combination: Mustela sectoria

Synonyms: Bunaelurus infelix Matthew 1903, Bunaelurus parvulus Matthew and Granger 1924, Bunaelurus ulysses Matthew and Granger 1924, Palaeogale infelix Matthew 1903, Palaeogale parvulus Matthew and Granger 1924, Palaeogale ulysses Matthew and Granger 1924

Belongs to Palaeogale according to L. de Bonis et al. 2019

See also Baskin and Tedford 1996, de Bonis 1981, Huang 1993, Matthew 1903, Morlo 1996 and Simpson 1946

Sister taxa: Palaeogale dorothiae, Palaeogale evanoffi, Palaeogale felina, Palaeogale hyaenoides, Palaeogale minuta, Palaeogale praehyaenoides, Palaeogale sanguinarius, Bunaelurus lagophagus

Type specimens:

  • Palaeogale sectoria: NHMUK M27816, a mandible. Its type locality is Antoingt, which is in an Oligocene terrestrial horizon in France.
  • Bunaelurus infelix: AMNH 9620, a mandible (part of a lower jaw with p4-m1 and the stump of m2). Its type locality is Pipestone Springs, which is in a Chadronian terrestrial claystone in the Renova Formation of Montana.
  • Bunaelurus parvulus: AMNH 19013, a mandible. Its type locality is Loh, which is in an Oligocene terrestrial horizon in the Hsanda Gol Formation of Mongolia.
  • Bunaelurus ulysses: AMNH 19004, a mandible. Its type locality is Loh, which is in an Oligocene terrestrial horizon in the Hsanda Gol Formation of Mongolia.

Ecology: ground dwelling carnivore-omnivore


• Miocene of United States (1: South Dakota collection)

• Oligocene of China (1), France (5), Mongolia (2), United States (6: Colorado, Montana, South Dakota, Wyoming)

• Eocene of United States (1: Montana)

Total: 16 collections including 18 occurrences

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