Procyon gipsoni Emmert and Short 2018 (raccoon)

Mammalia - Carnivora - Procyonidae

Full reference: L. G. Emmert and R. A. Short. 2018. Three new procyonids (Mammalia, Carnivora) from the Blancan of Florida. Bulletin of the Florida Museum of Natural History 55(8):157-173

Belongs to Procyon according to L. G. Emmert and R. A. Short 2018

Sister taxa: Procyon (Euprocyon), Procyon (Procyon), Procyon cancrivorus, Procyon gymnocercus, Procyon lotor, Procyon megalokolos, Procyon rexroadensis

Type specimen: UF 243697, a maxilla (left maxillary fragment with P4−M1). Its type locality is Withlacoochee River 1A, which is in a Blancan sinkhole claystone in Florida.

Ecology: scansorial omnivore-carnivore

Distribution: found only at Withlacoochee River 1A

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