Mammalia - Perissodactyla - Rhinocerotidae
Synonyms: Paraphelops rooksensis Lane 1927, Paraphelops yumensis Cook 1930, Peraceras ponderis Cook 1930, Teleoceras ocotensis Dalquest and Mooser 1980, Teleoceras schultzi Tanner 1975, Teleoceras yumensis Cook 1930
Full reference: H. J. Cook. 1927. A new rhinoceros of the genus Teleoceras from Colorado. Proceedings of the Colorado Museum of Natural History 7(1)
Belongs to Teleoceras according to S. D. Webb et al. 2008
See also Alroy 2002, Carranza-Castaneda 1989, Dalquest and Mooser 1980, Frye et al. 1956, Gustafson 2012, Lane 1927, Matthew 1932, Mead 2000, Prothero 1998, Prothero 2005, Tanner 1975, Voorhies 1990 and Woods and Stucky 1992
Sister taxa: Teleoceras (Mesoceras), Teleoceras aepysoma, Teleoceras americanum, Teleoceras brachyrhinum, Teleoceras felicis, Teleoceras fossiger, Teleoceras guymonense, Teleoceras major, Teleoceras medicornutum, Teleoceras meridianum, Teleoceras proterum, Teleoceras pugnator, Teleoceras snowi
Type specimens:
- Teleoceras hicksi: DMNS 304, a skull
- Paraphelops rooksensis: KUMVP 2913, a mandible (A practically complete lower jaw with both rami intact and united at the symphysis, with the full (lower) dentition).
- Peraceras ponderis: DMNS 732, a mandible.
- Teleoceras ocotensis: TMM 41685-8, a tooth (upper third molar, crown well preserved but roots mostly missing).
- Teleoceras schultzi: Its type locality is Cambridge, which is in a Hemphillian terrestrial horizon in the Ash Hollow Formation of Nebraska.
- Teleoceras yumensis: DMNS 731, a mandible. Its type locality is Wray, which is in a Hemphillian terrestrial horizon in Colorado.
Ecology: amphibious grazer
• Blancan of United States (2: Nevada, Washington collections)
• Hemphillian of Mexico (4), United States (14: California, Colorado, Florida, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas)
• Miocene of United States (5: Arizona, Florida, Nebraska, Nevada, Texas)
Total: 25 collections each including a single occurrence
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