Subfamily Crocidosoricinae Reumer 1987 (shrew)

Mammalia - Soricomorpha - Soricidae

Full reference: J.W.F. Reumer. 1987. Redefinition of the Soricidae and the Heterosoricidae (Insectivora, Mammalia), with the description of the Crocidosoricinae, a new subfamily of Soricidae. Revue de Paléobiologie 6(2):189-192

Parent taxon: Soricidae according to A. V. Lopatin 2004

See also Lopatin 2006, Reumer 1987 and Vasileiadou and Koufos 2005

Sister taxa: Alloblarinella, Allosoricinae, Alluvisorex, Asoriculus, Beremendia, Cokia, Cretasorex, Crocidurinae, Heterosoricinae, Limnoecinae, Lunanosorex, Nesiotites, Paenepetenyia, Parydrosorex, Petenyiella, Podihik, Protosorex, Siwalikosorex, Soricinae, Soricolestinae, Zelceina

Subtaxa: Carposorex Clapasorex Crocidosoricini Florinia Lartetium Miosorex Oligosorex Oligosoricini Soricella Srinitium Taatsiinia Tavoonyia Ulmensia

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Ecology: ground dwelling omnivore


• Pliocene of Spain (1 collection)

• Miocene of China (2), Germany (11), Greece (2), Hungary (1), Italy (2), Kazakhstan (1), Mongolia (3), Poland (2), Portugal (2), the Russian Federation (1), Serbia and Montenegro (4), Slovakia (1), Spain (5), Switzerland (6), Turkey (1)

• Oligocene of Bosnia and Herzegovina (1), France (4), Germany (4), Kazakhstan (1), Mongolia (7)

Total: 62 collections including 92 occurrences

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