Family Serranidae Swainson 1839 (perch-like fish)

Actinopteri - Perciformes - Serranidae

Parent taxon: Serranoidei according to R. Betancur et al. 2013

See also Aguilera and de Aguilera 2004, Carnevale and Godfrey 2018, Casier 1966, Danil'chenko 1960, Danil'chenko 1980, Fierstine et al. 2012, Frizzell and Dante 1965, Jordan 1963, Khajuria and Prasad 1998, Nelson et al. 2016, Nolf and Dockery 1993, Patterson 1964, Purdy et al. 2001, Schaeffer 1947 and Weems 1999

Sister taxa: none

Subtaxa: Allomorone Centropristis Cephalopholis Diplectrum Epinephelinae Epinephelus Mycteroperca Neanthias Palaeopercichthys Paleoserranus Paralabrax Percostoma Plesioserranus Prolates Properca Proserranus Protanthias Pseudanthias Seriphus Serraninus Serranopsis Serranus Tavania

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Ecology: nektonic carnivore


• Quaternary of Italy (2 collections), the Marshall Islands (3), Spain (2), Turks and Caicos Islands (1), United States (5: California, Louisiana)

• Pliocene to Pleistocene of Italy (1)

• Pliocene of Ecuador (1), Greece (2), Italy (4), Jamaica (1), United States (4: California, Florida, North Carolina)

• Miocene of Algeria (3), Austria (1), Chile (1), Germany (1), Italy (2), Mexico (1), New Zealand (1), Panama (1), Romania (1), Slovakia (1), Ukraine (1), United States (2: California), Venezuela (2)

• Oligocene to Miocene of Georgia (1), the Russian Federation (1)

• Oligocene of Azerbaijan (1), the Czech Republic (2), France (1), Germany (1), New Zealand (1), Romania (1), the Russian Federation (1), United States (1: Louisiana)

• Eocene of Belgium (1), France (4), Germany (1), New Zealand (9), Turkmenistan (1), the United Kingdom (9), United States (11: Alabama, California, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia)

• Paleocene of Saudi Arabia (1), United States (1: Alabama)

• Cretaceous of India (1)

Total: 94 collections including 126 occurrences

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