†family Solenoporaceae Pia 1927 (red algae)

Rhodophyceae - Solenoporaceae

Parent taxon: Rhodophyceae according to M. G. Carrera and S. Casadío 2016

See also Kundal 2014, Mirsa et al. 2002, Misra et al. 2001, Misra et al. 2009, Riding 2004, Senowbari-Daryan et al. 2006, Stockar 2000 and Wnendt-Juber 1990

Sister taxa: Acrochaetium, Angulocellularia, Angusticellularia, Aoujgaliaceae, Archaeolithophyllales, Arthrodendron, Calcifoliida, Florideae, Foliophycus, Gymnocodiaceae, Lomentarites

Subtaxa: Cordilites Dendronella Elianella Eolithoporella Komia Marinella Metasolenopora Neosolenopora Parachaetetes Protoaulopora Pycnoporidium Solenomeris Solenopora Solenoporella Tauristorea

View classification

Ecology: stationary epifaunal "photoautotroph"


• Miocene of France (1 collection)

• Eocene of Brazil (6), France (5), India (10), Iraq (3), Italy (10), Spain (2), Ukraine (1)

• Paleocene to Eocene of Iraq (4)

• Paleocene of Argentina (1), Austria (11), China (2), Costa Rica (1), Croatia (1), France (5), India (3), Iraq (33), Italy (1), Romania (2), Slovakia (55), Spain (2)

• Cretaceous of Brazil (4), Croatia (1), Egypt (4), France (8), Germany (7), Hungary (3), India (3), Iran (3), Iraq (4), Italy (3), Japan (1), the Marshall Islands (1), Oman (1), the Philippines (1), Portugal (10), Romania (10), Slovakia (1), Spain (2), Tunisia (1), Ukraine (1)

• Jurassic of Austria (1), France (3), Germany (6), India (1), Italy (3), Mexico (1), Morocco (1), Poland (7), Portugal (17), Slovenia (1), Spain (4), Switzerland (1), Tunisia (2), the United Kingdom (2), United States (1: Oregon)

• Triassic of Austria (14), China (22), East Timor (4), Germany (2), Greece (4), Indonesia (2), Iran (4), Israel (1), Italy (22), Japan (5), Mexico (2), Nepal (1), Oman (5), the Philippines (1), Romania (1), the Russian Federation (5), Slovenia (4), Spain (1), Tajikistan (1), Thailand (2), Turkey (7), United States (8: Alaska, California, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon)

• Permian of Canada (1: Nunavut), China (10), Germany (1), Greece (1), Italy (3), Japan (1), Mexico (2), Norway (2), Oman (2), Slovenia (1), Thailand (3), Tunisia (3), United States (5: New Mexico, Texas)

• Carboniferous of Australia (1), Canada (1: Nunavut), China (5), France (1), Ireland (1), Japan (1), Mexico (1), Spain (8), the United Kingdom (3), United States (10: Colorado, Illinois, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah)

• Devonian of Australia (2), China (4), the Czech Republic (8), France (1), Germany (6), Italy (1), Poland (2), the Russian Federation (3), Tajikistan (1)

• Silurian to Devonian of United States (1: Alaska)

• Silurian of Canada (5: Nunavut, Ontario, Quebec, Québec), China (1), Estonia (2), India (3), Norway (2), the Russian Federation (1), Sweden (8), United States (3: Alaska, Ohio)

• Whiterockian of Canada (1: Newfoundland and Labrador), United States (1: Vermont)

• Chazyan of Canada (4: Quebec), United States (6: New York, Vermont)

• Arenig of Canada (1: Newfoundland and Labrador)

• Ordovician of Canada (6: Newfoundland and Labrador, Ontario, Quebec), China (10), Estonia (4), Norway (4), the Russian Federation (3), South Korea (1), United States (59: Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia)

Total: 618 collections including 776 occurrences

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