Alternative spelling: Carnosaurida
Synonym: Deinodontoidea Tatarinov 1964
Full reference: F. v. Huene. 1920. Bemerkungen zur Systematik und Stammesgeschichte einiger Reptilien [Remarks on the systematics and phylogeny of some reptiles]. Zeitschrift für Induktive Abstammungs und Vererbungslehre 22:209-212
Parent taxon: Avetheropoda according to T. R. Holtz et al. 2004
See also Anderson and Cruickshank 1978, Azuma and Currie 2000, Baird and Horner 1979, Barsbold 1976, Barsbold 1977, Barsbold 1983, Benton 1979, Benton 1990, Bonaparte 1978, Bonaparte and Novas 1985, Buscalioni and Sanz 1987, Charig 1967, Chatterjee 1993, Colbert 1964, Colbert and Russell 1969, Coria and Currie 2006, Currie 1995, Currie 1997, del Corro 1966, Delair 1960, Delair 1973, Dong et al. 1983, Ellenberger 1972, Estes 1964, Gauthier 1986, Gauthier et al. 1989, Gauthier and Padian 1985, Haubold 1971, Haubold 1974, Haughton and Brink 1954, Holtz 1996, Holtz 1998, Holtz 2000, Holtz and Padian 1995, Huene 1926, Huene 1926, Huene 1927, Huene 1929, Huene 1929, Huene 1948, Huene 1954, Huene and Matley 1933, Hutchinson and Padian 1997, Jensen 1985, Krebs 1974, Kuhn 1939, Kuhn 1946, Kuhn 1966, Kuhn 1971, Lapparent 1947, Lull 1953, Maisch and Matzke 2003, Malafaia et al. 2007, Maleev 1968, McGinnis 1982, Miller 1967, Novas 1992, Osmolska 1990, Osmólska and Roniewicz 1970, Ostrom 1980, Parsch 1963, Rauhut 2003, Reig 1970, Romer 1956, Romer 1966, Roxo 1937, Russell 1984, Russell and Dong 1994, Santafé et al. 1982, Simmons 1965, Steel 1970, Swinton 1970, Tatarinov 1964, Walker 1964, Yates 2005 and Zhao 1983
Sister taxa: Bahariasaurus, Coeluria, Compsognathia, Iliosuchus, Protoavia, Shanyangosaurus
Subtaxa: Abelichnus Aublysodon lateralis Aublysodontidae Bosiutrisauropus Changpeipus Dryptosauridae Itemiridae Kleitotrisauropus Mafatrisauropus Shanshanosauridae Streptospondylidae
• Cretaceous of Argentina (6 collections), Australia (2), Brazil (14), Cameroon (1), Canada (2: Alberta, Saskatchewan), China (8), Croatia (2), India (1), Italy (1), Japan (2), Kazakhstan (3), Kyrgyzstan (1), Mexico (1), Mongolia (9), Niger (1), Romania (1), South Africa (1), Spain (12), the United Kingdom (3), United States (52: Arizona, Colorado, Delaware, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico, Texas, Utah), Uzbekistan (4)
• Jurassic to Cretaceous of Brazil (1), China (1)
• Jurassic of Australia (1), China (8), France (1), Lesotho (1), Morocco (2), Spain (4), United States (4: Colorado, Wyoming)
• Triassic of Germany (1), Lesotho (2)
Total: 153 collections including 154 occurrences