Dicotyledoneae - Myrtales - Myrtaceae
Parent taxon: Myrtales according to The Angiosperm Phylogeny Group 2016
See also Chandler 1961, Knowlton 1919, Mabberley 2000, MacGinitie 1941, McIver and Basinger 1993 and Taylor et al. 2008
Sister taxa: Alzateaceae, Combretaceae, Crypteroniaceae, Haloragidaceae, Heterocolpites, Hydrocaryaceae, Lythraceae, Melastomataceae, Myrtaceidites, Oliniaceae, Onagraceae, Penaeaceae, Punicaceae, Rhynchocalycaceae, Sonneratiaceae, Trapaceae, Vochysiaceae
Subtaxa: Acmena Agonis Aldwickia Austromyrtus Baeckea Callistemonites Callistemonoxylon Callistemophyllum Calyptranthes Calytrix Corymbia Eucalyptophyllum Eucalyptus Eugenia Eugeniaites Leptospermatoxylon Leptospermites Leptospermocarpum Leptospermum Lithomyrtus Lophostemon Melaleuca Metrosideros Myrceugenellites Myrceugenia Myrcia Myrciophyllum Myrtaciphyllum Myrtifolium Myrtinae Myrtiphyllum Myrtoidoxylon Myrtomiophyton Myrtonium Myrtophyllum Myrtospermum Myrtoxylon Myrtus Palaeorhodomyrtus Psidium Rhodamnia Rhodomyrtus Syncarpites Syzygioxylon Syzygium Tristania Tristaniandra Tristanites
Ecology: "photoautotroph"
• Quaternary of Argentina (1 collection), Australia (48), the Bahamas (1), the Congo-Kinshasa (1), France (2), India (26), Tanzania (1)
• Pliocene to Pleistocene of Tanzania (1)
• Pliocene of Bolivia (1), China (1), India (1), Italy (1), Panama (4), Portugal (1)
• Miocene to Pleistocene of the Dominican Republic (1)
• Miocene to Pliocene of India (2), Mexico (1), Nepal (1), Trinidad and Tobago (2)
• Miocene of Argentina (6), Azerbaijan (1), Brazil (3), Chile (3), China (1), Colombia (3), Costa Rica (1), Cuba (1), Ecuador (2), Kenya (1), Nepal (1), New Zealand (1), Panama (3), Poland (1), Trinidad and Tobago (1), United States (2: Nevada)
• Oligocene to Miocene of Argentina (2), Australia (5)
• Oligocene of Argentina (1), Australia (1), Puerto Rico (3), the United Kingdom (1)
• Eocene to Miocene of Argentina (1)
• Eocene to Pliocene of Peru (1)
• Eocene to Oligocene of Australia (1), United States (3: Colorado)
• Eocene of Argentina (22), Australia (6), China (4), India (2), Japan (1), New Zealand (7), the United Kingdom (4), United States (9: California, Colorado, Wyoming), Venezuela (1)
• Clarkforkian of United States (1: North Dakota)
• Paleocene of Argentina (1), Australia (1), New Zealand (5), the United Kingdom (2), United States (8: Colorado, Montana, Wyoming)
• Tertiary of Venezuela (1)
• Paleogene of Chile (1), India (4)
• Cretaceous of Antarctica (1), Argentina (1), Canada (1: British Columbia), France (1), the Russian Federation (4), United States (10: Colorado, Georgia, New Mexico, South Carolina, Utah, Wyoming)
Total: 245 collections including 581 occurrences