Family Equisetaceae De Candolle 1804 (fern)

Polypodiopsida - Equisetales - Equisetidae

Parent taxon: Equisetales according to PPG. I 2016

See also Ash 1999, Christophel 1976, Hickey 1977, Jain and Delevoryas 1967, Kiessling 2008, Knowlton 1919, Knowlton 1926, Lapasha and Miller 1985, Mabberley 2000, McIver and Basinger 1993, Procopio Rodríguez et al. 2024, Stevens 2008 and Upchurch et al. 1994

Sister taxa: Angaroradix, Annularia, Annulariopsis, Annulina, Archaeocalamitaceae, Barakaria, Borisiella, Calamitaceae, Corynophyllites, Equisetophyton, Manchurostachys, Neokoretrophyllites, Notocalamites, Oncylogonatum, Phyllostachya, Phyllothecaceae, Protannularia, Protocalamostachys, Pseudoannularia, Pseudoasterophyllites, Pseudolobatannularia, Raniganjia, Schizoneuropsis

Subtaxa: Equicalastrobus Equisetites Equisetum Schizoneura

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Type: Equisetum


• Quaternary of the Congo-Kinshasa (1 collection), Greenland (1), United States (3: California, Nevada, Washington)

• Pliocene to Pleistocene of China (1)

• Pliocene of United States (1: Idaho)

• Miocene to Oligocene of United States (1: Montana)

• Miocene of Canada (1: Northwest Territories), China (3), Ecuador (2), Poland (1), Switzerland (1), United States (8: California, Idaho, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, Washington)

• Oligocene to Eocene of United States (1: Oregon)

• Oligocene of India (1), United States (3: Montana, Oregon)

• Eocene of Canada (2: British Columbia), China (1), United States (61: Colorado, Idaho, North Dakota, Oregon, Washington, Wyoming)

• Clarkforkian of United States (20: North Dakota, Wyoming)

• Paleocene of Canada (3: Alberta), the United Kingdom (1), United States (17: Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, Wyoming)

• Cretaceous of Argentina (4), Belgium (1), Canada (10: Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan), China (1), India (4), Japan (1), Kazakhstan (2), the Russian Federation (4), Svalbard and Jan Mayen (2), the United Kingdom (3), United States (41: Alaska, Montana, North Dakota, Oregon, Utah, Virginia, Wyoming)

• Jurassic to Cretaceous of Antarctica (1), Argentina (1), Canada (1: British Columbia), India (2), Malaysia (1), Peru (2), the Russian Federation (7)

• Jurassic of Afghanistan (1), Antarctica (2), Argentina (11), Australia (4), Belarus (4), Chile (1), China (99), Egypt (1), France (3), Georgia (13), Germany (1), Greenland (6), India (15), Iran (3), Israel (2), Italy (2), Japan (6), Kazakhstan (17), Madagascar (1), Mexico (6), Mongolia (6), New Zealand (3), Poland (2), Portugal (3), Romania (27), the Russian Federation (174), Serbia and Montenegro (1), South Africa (1), South Korea (1), Sweden (1), Tajikistan (20), Turkmenistan (1), Ukraine (3), the United Kingdom (45), United States (8: Colorado, Montana, Utah, Wyoming), Uzbekistan (6)

• Triassic to Jurassic of Australia (1), Canada (1: Northwest Territories), Georgia (1), Honduras (1), Kazakhstan (1), Mexico (1), Sweden (1), the United Kingdom (1)

• Triassic of Afghanistan (1), Antarctica (1), Argentina (4), Australia (1), Austria (2), Chile (1), China (69), France (7), Germany (26), Greenland (16), Hungary (3), India (3), Iran (4), Italy (9), Japan (3), Kazakhstan (2), Kyrgyzstan (1), Lesotho (2), Malaysia (1), Mongolia (3), the Russian Federation (19), Serbia and Montenegro (1), South Africa (31), Spain (2), Svalbard and Jan Mayen (2), Sweden (2), Switzerland (1), Tajikistan (5), Thailand (1), Ukraine (4), the United Kingdom (4), United States (10: Arizona, New Mexico, North Carolina, Utah, Virginia)

• Permian to Triassic of India (2), South Africa (7)

• Permian of Antarctica (1), Australia (11), Brazil (4), Canada (1: Prince Edward Island), China (8), India (49), Madagascar (4), Mexico (1), Mongolia (1), North Korea (1), the Russian Federation (3), South Africa (24), Tanzania (2), United States (1: Oklahoma)

• Carboniferous of Canada (1: Nova Scotia), United States (1: Kentucky)

Total: 1093 collections including 1465 occurrences

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