Synonym: Eotarbus Dunlop 1996 [replaced name]
Full reference: J. A. Dunlop. 1999. A replacement name for the trigonotarbid arachnid Eotarbus Dunlop. Palaeontology 42(1):191
Parent taxon: Trigonotarbida according to J. A. Dunlop et al. 2013
See also Dunlop 1996 and Dunlop 1999
Sister taxa: Aenigmatarbus, Anthracomartidae, Anthracomartus hageni, Anthracophrynus, Anthracosironidae, Aphantomartidae, Archaeomartidae, Areomartus, Elaverimartus, Elaverimartus pococki, Eophrynidae, Eophrynus scharfi, Eurymartidae, Eurymartus spinulosus, Kreischeriidae, Lissomartidae, Namurotarbus, Palaeocharinidae, Palaeocteniza, Permotarbus, Termes buchi, Trigonomartus woodruffi, Trigonotarbidae, Tynecotarbus
Subtaxa: Palaeotarbus jerami
Type: Eotarbus jerami
Distribution: found only at Lower Bone Bed Member, Ludford Corner, Ludlow, Shropshire, England (Silurian of the United Kingdom)
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