†family Anthracosironidae Pocock 1903 (arthropod)

Arachnida - Trigonotarbida - Anthracosironidae

Full reference: R. I. Pocock. 1903. Further remarks upon the Carboniferous arachnid Anthracosiro, with the description of a second species of the genus. The Geological Magazine, New Series, Decade IV 10:405-408

Parent taxon: Trigonotarbida according to J. A. Dunlop et al. 2013

See also Dunlop 2010, Dunlop and Selden 2004 and Petrunkevitch 1949

Sister taxa: Aenigmatarbus, Anthracomartidae, Anthracomartus hageni, Anthracophrynus, Aphantomartidae, Archaeomartidae, Areomartus, Elaverimartus, Elaverimartus pococki, Eophrynidae, Eophrynus scharfi, Eurymartidae, Eurymartus spinulosus, Kreischeriidae, Lissomartidae, Namurotarbus, Palaeocharinidae, Palaeocteniza, Palaeotarbus, Permotarbus, Termes buchi, Trigonomartus woodruffi, Trigonotarbidae, Tynecotarbus

Subtaxa: Anthracosiro Arianrhoda Vratislavia

View classification

Type: Anthracosiro



• Carboniferous of France (2 collections), Poland (1), the United Kingdom (7)

• Devonian of the United Kingdom (1)

Total: 11 collections including 14 occurrences

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